Three Crowns Park

Privacy Policy

This is the website of Three Crowns Park:

Our postal address is:
2323 McDaniel Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201

Our telephone number is: (847) 328-8700

Three Crowns Park knows how important your privacy is to you. Through this website, we may collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email, as well as information volunteered by the site visitor.

We will use your contact information only to provide the information requested, and to correspond with you via mail and/or email if you are interested. If you provide other information, we may use it to improve the content of our Web pages or for general marketing purposes, but we do not share it with other organizations or marketers for commercial purposes.

This website does not currently use “cookies.” These are small text files with a unique identification number transferred from a website to a user’s hard drive, so the website administrator can track the user’s activities on the site. Cookies associated with a particular website may only be accessed by that website.

If you supply us with your postal address online, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products, services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive mail, phone calls and/or emails from us, please indicate your preferences on the Contact Us page of the website and submit, or you may contact us at the above address or telephone number.

If you feel this site is not following its stated information pxolicy, you may contact us at the above address or phone numbers, or contact your state or local chapter of the Better Business Bureau.